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this article was transferred from blog.elaboraet.net.

after a few hours of template searching and css editing, i've reached a point where i feel more or less satisfied with the resulting look.

something about dokuwiki's dead-simple backend function appeals a lot to me. i may use this from this point forward. if the template breaks (since it is pretty old) i will probably study it and learn to maintain it myself.

comments and otherwise basic discussions are now possible. new comments require manual approval by me, of course, to prevent spam.

a notable issue with the template itself is the default behavior of the sidebar on mobile screens, or screens less than a particular width able to support a sidebar. the sidebar, in these cases, instead appears on top of every single page rather than beside: as i add info, i imagine this constant visibility might detract from the mobile reading experience. i'll need to find a way to implement a dropdown element similar to the default dokuwiki template.

this may change at any time as i continue to edit the theming and discover issues, etc. however, for now, welcome to blog.elaboraet.net.
